About the Highlands:The breed originated in the Western Highlands of Scotland over 200 years ago. The Highland Cattle Breed Society was founded in 1884 with the first herd book being created in 1885 resulting in the first registered animals. The Highlands can be of any solid color ranging from red, yellow, black, brindle, and silver. They are a small-framed cow with short legs, long shaggy hair and horns that generally curl up-wards out of a broad head. They have a longer life span then regular cows often producing and raising calves well into their twenties and are good in severe climates. The Highlands have a wonderful foraging ability and are actually good for pastures. They will eat bushes and willows and will not overgraze a pasture unless they are forced to. The breed is known for its ease in calving, with smaller birth weights the Highlands rarely need assistance. They are also known for their disease resistance. The Highlands produce a top quality meat that is lower in fat and cholesterol than even the leanest normal beef available and is higher in iron and protein.